What is the cost to convert 2 stroke auto into 4 stroke engine?

Inner combustion motor with 2/4 (two and four) stroke change concept. The proposed improvements to traditional four-stroke internal combustion engine (ICE) speed its fuel exchange and provide changing the ICE (particularly Diesel) from four-stroke to two-stroke regime within motor operation. Scavenging at four-stroke and two-stroke mode of operation is accomplished through the like water and discharge valves
Two attack [stroke] Engine 

1. Mechanically easy, bright and effective, two attack engines combine the gas and intake strokes, giving every other stroke a power attack.

 2. The engine (also named the stroke) who's power cycle consists of only two moves, or strokes that piston goes down, drawing at the fuel air cost, and then up, combusting the charge. Unfortunately two attack engines typically create much more pollution than the four stroke pattern.

 Universal Asian Motorcycle

 1. Period presented to Japanese bikes of those 80's, because visually they all seemed alike; the atmosphere chilled 550-750 inline-4 with even cooler and rear, until you were close enough to read the tank emblems they looked identical. 

2. During the 1970 and early 1980's, the Asian turned into so indentified with the four cylinder, common fashion motorcycle that the period was coined to identify those bicycles].

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